2 wheels, 1 adventure: the ups and downs of motorcycling in South Africa

5 Min Read


Hello thrill seekers, motor fans and everyone who has ever wondered if they should change from 4 wheels to 2. Today we dive into the exciting world of motorcycling in South Africa. Grab your helmets (and let’s speed this up).

Advantages: because life on two wheels is mainly sun and gasoline fumes.

  • Fuel economy fit for a king

Do you fear refueling? Say goodbye to that feeling when you ride a motorcycle. You can laugh all the way to the bank (or at least to the nearest gas station) because you’re drinking fuel like it’s fine wine at a fancy dinner.

  • Traffic jams? More like jams and buns.

Ah, the famous South African traffic, where you move at the pace of a snail running on peanut butter. But here on a motorcycle you are no longer the snail; You are the gazelle and you run between lanes as if you have discovered the secret code to cheating. Just be prepared for envious glances and maybe some unpleasant gestures (don’t worry, we’ll count it as a greeting).

Why settle for seeing the South African landscape on a television screen when you can feel it? Enjoy the wind, the aromas and, yes, even the occasional insect splash as you cruise the Garden Route or Karoo. Just make sure you have your raincoats ready in case Mother Nature decides to add a little “liquid sunshine” to your adventure.

The cons: The tragedies of life on two wheels

Do you think you’ll arrive at your destination with hair like a shampoo commercial? Think again. The helmet will make you look more like a mad scientist who has spent a long night in the lab. Forget selfies; Now you’re a potential meme.

You know that saying: ‘Can’t you take it with you?’ On a motorcycle, that is not a philosophical statement; It is a daily challenge. Forget about bringing home a month’s shopping or that impulsive purchase at the furniture store. If it doesn’t fit in your pocket or backpack, it won’t come home with you.

  • Wild animals: those that are not pets

Ah, South Africa, the only place where your road trip could turn into an episode of ‘Animal Planet’. Wild boars, baboons and maybe even the occasional guinea fowl (or even a lion when you’re in a nature reserve) could appear on your trip. And remember, they always have the right of way.

In conclusion: to ride a bike or not to ride a bike?

So there you have it friends. It’s up to you whether the pros outweigh the cons or vice versa. But one thing is for sure: life on a motorcycle in South Africa is never boring. At King Price we know the ups and downs of taking a bike ride. With King Price at your back, you can enjoy the outdoors worry-free (you can even insure your motorcycle gear for as little as R1). To quote motorcycle insurance without obligation, simply click here or send us a WhatsApp at 0860 50 50 50.

Happy cycling and may your trips be as full of laughter as they are of gasoline fumes!

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2 wheels, 1 adventure: the ups and downs of motorcycling in South Africa

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2 wheels, 1 adventure: the ups and downs of motorcycling in South Africa


Improve your knowledge of motorcycling in South Africa with this informative blog. From fuel economy jokes to wild animal encounters, we cover the ins and outs of life on two wheels at Rainbow Nation. Insured by King Price, so you can laugh more and worry less!


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