4 Things I Would Never Buy at Dollar Tree

6 Min Read


Discount stores like Dollar Tree can be great ways to save money on your purchases, especially if you can squeeze it into a two-stop store. But they don’t always offer the best value or the best quality. The trick is knowing what to buy and what not to buy. Some items at dollar stores can not only be more expensive, but some things are also worth paying a little more for.

Here are four products you would never buy at Dollar Tree.

1. toothpaste

Dollar stores often change package sizes to keep the price per item down, so it’s important to look at the price per ounce when shopping around. For example, buying toothpaste at Dollar Tree doesn’t make financial sense. A 2.4-ounce tube of Crest Fresh Mint Peroxide Baking Soda Whitening Toothpaste is $1.25 at Dollar Tree online. That equates to $0.52 per ounce. You can get a 5.7-ounce tube of the same product for $2.12 at Walmart, which is just $0.37 per ounce.

2. Batteries

You can buy a four-pack of AA alkaline batteries or six AA batteries called “Super Heavy Duty” for $1.25 at Dollar Tree online. Getting four (or even six) batteries for $1.25 seems like a steal. That is, until they run out shortly after you start using them. According to Wired’s calculations, dollar store batteries have about one-third the energy of big-brand batteries.

Or even worse, they leak and ruin the device, toy, or whatever else they are powering. Even worse? One of the reviews on the Dollar Tree website says the battery blew up: “That’s a terrible product plan to sue because it blew up and battery acid got into my wife’s eyes.” Another complained about a $125 toy being ruined, saying, “It exploded in my son’s Fisher Price smart home toy. I opened the toy to replace the batteries and found all four batteries were leaking acid and disintegrated one of the batteries.” connectors”.

I love a lot of deals, but no savings could put me at risk of exploding batteries.

3. Vitamins and supplements

If you buy over-the-counter drugs at Dollar Tree, they will almost certainly be FDA-approved brands, even generics. These can be a good value. However, vitamins and supplements are a different matter: According to Consumer Reports, there is less regulation around these products. Unless they have an independent seal of approval, like NSF International or US Pharmacopeia, you may not be buying the supplements you think.

Personally, I prefer to get my nutrients from the source by eating more fruits and vegetables when I can, but that’s not always possible. I often have difficulty getting enough iron and have tried discounted iron supplements with varying degrees of success. Nowadays, I prefer to stock up on slightly more expensive iron tablets when they are on sale. The dollar store versions sometimes make me sick to my stomach and I’m not even sure I’m getting an iron boost.

4. Laundry detergent

Buying small bottles of laundry detergent is rarely cheaper than buying a larger bottle from another store. To give you an idea, Dollar Tree online charges $1.25 for an 8 fluid ounce bottle of Tide laundry detergent. Walmart online charges $15.94 for a 115 fluid ounce bottle. That’s $0.16 per fluid ounce, compared to $0.14 per fluid ounce for Walmart. As of this writing, Walgreens is selling a 92 fl oz bottle for $12.99, with an additional $3 savings coupon. That works out to about $0.11 per fluid ounce, which is significantly less than Dollar Tree.

It may only seem like a couple of cents per fluid ounce, but it can add up to several more loads of laundry. Now, maybe your budget is only $1.25 for laundry detergent right now, in which case the Dollar Tree bottle may be the right choice. But it’s worth looking for coupons or deals on cash-back apps to see if you can get a decent deal on a bigger bottle. You can ask a friend or family member to use half of a larger bottle so you both can save.

Bottom line

Saving money on your purchases can translate into more cash in your bank account for other things. Don’t assume that everything at Dollar Tree is automatically a better value; sometimes you will get better deals at other stores. And sometimes it’s worth paying more for a product that will last or do the job you want it to do.

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