A kiss after Spain’s victory in the World Cup makes many cry for lack

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The Spaniards celebrated their country’s first victory in the Women’s World Cup on Sunday afternoon by hosting dance parties in the streets and sharing their giddy joy.

But it was a kiss seen around the world that was the talk of social media.

Amid the national jubilation, many were startled by an impromptu kiss that the president of the Spanish soccer federation, Luis Rubiales, planted on Spain forward Jennifer Hermoso, during the medal ceremony, an unpleasant reminder of many of the sexism scandals that have plagued Spanish women’s football. .

After the Spanish players defeated England 1-0 and lined up on stage in Sydney, Australia to collect their medals before lifting the World Cup trophy, Mr Rubiales enthusiastically grabbed Ms Hermoso He kissed her on the cheeks and then kissed her fully on the lips, video of the meeting showed. Queen Letizia of Spain was on stage at the time.

Later, in another video, Ms. Hermoso is seen apparently making her displeasure known, responding, “Hey, but I didn’t like that!”

The video of what many concluded to have been an unwanted kiss was widely shared on social media, causing confusion among many Spaniards and leading others to denounce it as highly inappropriate behaviour. Some called it is shameful and evidence of persistent sexism in soccer. Others demanded that Mr. Rubiales resign.

As of Sunday night, he had not responded to the criticism. The soccer federation did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment from Rubiales as it was late in Spain.

The episode of the kiss revived the memories of the mistreatment of the Spanish soccer players. For 27 years, the women’s national team had the same coach, who was infamous for dismissing players as “chavalitas,” or immature girls. He was sacked in 2015 after the players protested.

Current members of the women’s national team have also complained that they have been disrespected by senior men’s soccer executives and denied the kind of elite team and treatment accorded to men’s teams. The women have said that the facilities the federation provided them are unsatisfactory and that Jorge Vilda, their coach, fostered an oppressive work environment, in which every movement of the players was monitored by his staff.

Last fall, many players rebelled against the coach and the federation, accusing them of mistreatment and withdrawing from consideration for the national team. Ms. Hermoso was considered to have tacitly supported the rebellion.

The controversies did not stop Spain from winning the World Cup this year. But the sudden kiss added another dimension to the women’s victory.

In a live video posted on Instagram and shared on other social media platforms, Ms. Hermoso is seen celebrating with her teammates in the locker room after the final and smiling even as she says the kiss was unwanted.

Adding to the confusion, Mr. Rubiales is heard in another video telling the players that they would be rewarded with a trip to Ibiza for their victory and adding that it would be a chance to celebrate his “wedding” to Mrs. Hermoso, a apparent reference to the kiss.

There is no indication that Mr. Rubiales and Ms. Hermoso are in a relationship.

Nadia Tronchoni, editor of El País, Spain’s largest newspaper, noted in an opinion piece that Sunday’s victory was “more than a title” for Spanish women.

“The women, the girls of this country, celebrate that our stubbornness has finally defeated machismo,” she said, referring to the long struggle of the players to be recognized. “Rubiales’ kiss to Hermoso reminds us that the road ahead is long.”

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