Climate risk is not ‘someone else’s problem,’ Triple-I exec tells Weather Channel viewers
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Of the findings in Triple-I’s recent report on consumer perceptions of weather risk, Weather Channel experts were most surprised by the fact that 60 percent of homeowners said they had taken no steps to prepare. , so they asked the head of insurance at Triple-I. Officer Dale Porfilio for his perspective.

Ultimately, Porfilio said, it all comes down to perceptions.

“Two-thirds of the people surveyed said they do not expect to be affected by climate risk in the next five years,” Porfilio told the Weather Channel. “If you don’t think you’ll be affected, why would you prepare with a home evacuation plan or home inventory?”

Of course, anyone who is exposed to the weather is exposed to weather-related risk, and it is essential that homeowners understand and address the most relevant risks to protect their investments and their families.

Porfilio also addressed a question about the availability of flood insurance, explaining that coverage is generally available through the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Flood Insurance Program, as well as through a growing number of private insurers, but “may be perceived as too expensive.”

However, some insurers may not be willing to offer coverage in areas that have been hit repeatedly by flooding.

Awareness and preparation are key. The Triple-I survey, published in coordination with global reinsurer Munich Re, found that among the 22 percent of respondents who reported understanding their level of flood risk, 78 percent said they had purchased flood insurance. The report, Homeowners’ perception of weather risksprovides information on trends, behavior, and how the experience of a weather event affects consumer perceptions of future events.

Learn more:

Survey suggests few homeowners prepare for weather-related risks

Climate risk is not just about weather: population, land use and incentives need to be addressed

Stealing a Rising Tide: How Insurers Can Close the Flood Protection Gap

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