Diary of an insurer: Roxy Zeb of Consilium

6 Min Read


Roxy Zeb, Partner in Consilium’s Executive and Professional Risk team, talks about her return to the Lloyd’s and London market after 10 years in Australia, her desire to inspire and drive greater diversity, as well as her love of property renovation .

Roxy Zeb, Partner – Professional and Executive Risk Solutions, Consilium.


I’d love to say I’m a morning person, but that would be a lie. I live in the Midlands, work in London and travel to Dublin, where I help clients drive growth in the aviation market. Every week is different.

I usually spend Mondays working from home, unless I’m traveling to Ireland.

Once my stepson is dropped off at school (the other just started college last year), I continue with what I call my focus time; working on tenders, research, catching up on emails and keeping in touch with clients, prospects and my Consilium colleagues.

I have been in my position at Consilium for four months and I enjoy every minute. The company culture is unique and the people are great. For me it has been a great decision to move away from the typical corporate culture of large companies.

It has made a huge difference to my work-life balance and has confirmed that I was right to return to the United Kingdomafter 10 years working in the Australian insurance markets, living in both Sydney and Melbourne.



I wake up at 4:30 am. I leave the house at 5:30 am to take the train to London and am at my desk at 8:30 am

However, I’m not in the office much as I love meeting clients face to face. For me this is always the best way to connect with people and build relationships. There is nothing better than catching up over coffee to bring that important human level to meetings.

On the days I am in London I try to catch up with as many clients as possible and will strive to be where they are, so the long trip to London is definitely worth it.

I returned to the office in the late afternoon to catch up with the rest of the professional and executive risk team, speak with our respective clients, and look at ways we can support each other to deliver unique solutions.

We are very focused at the moment on developing our specialized capabilities both in terms of product innovation and international reach. It’s a true team effort and is generating great results for both our clients and our business.


Map of Australia and New Zealand

I’m up early again and at my desk by 8:30 a.m. My focus today is diversity, equity, and inclusion. I am passionate about inspiring change.

In my previous life in Australia, I was part of the first Indigenous working group at Marsh, working with schools, charities and communities to support educational initiatives that bring Indigenous people into the insurance market.

Return in the United KingdomConsilium 100% supports my desire to drive change in terms of diversity, equity and inclusion.

The group has started a DE&I committee that meets bi-weekly to maintain momentum in terms of driving even greater intersectionality in recruiting, attracting and supporting female talent, and look at ways we can further support the diverse gender needs of our team . ethnicity, religion and neurodiversity.

I am also working on several initiatives, both internal and external, to support apprentices as part of various mentoring schemes. I have benefited from mentoring and reverse mentoring throughout my career, and it is an important area of ​​focus and investment at Consilium.

Inspiring people is a passion that I share with the rest of the Consilium and with the Aventum team in general.


Adult woman sitting in a lotus pose with eyes closed, relaxing and meditating.  Health at any size.

This morning I will be meeting with some of the wide range of experts we have in the professional and executive risk team.

I have meetings with both our financial technology experts and asset/wealth management specialists. These one-on-one meetings are great opportunities to collaborate and find ways to develop everyone’s individual portfolios.

After lunch I head to a meeting with a client, before hopping on the train back home to the Midlands.

We are a very active family and my husband travels for work, so we are always looking for ways to stay healthy. Before dinner I do a quick yoga session. So it’s early for all of us. I have a sunrise personal training session tomorrow at the local gym.


Blue brush on bicolor blue background

I’m working at home today. After my early morning P.T. session, I continue with more concentrated tasks.

I’m leaving for Dublin on Monday to meet with my aviation clients, so I spend much of the day preparing for the meetings and discussing with the rest of the team how we can continue to move our clients forward in terms of offering a tailored approach to their specific risk. exposures, in this case the leasing of aircraft.

When I finish work, my husband and I head straight to our renovation project. We love property renovations and I enjoy any opportunity to indulge my creative side. We will spend the weekend mostly with a paintbrush in hand.

#Diary #insurer #Roxy #Zeb #Consilium

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