For Mike Sizemore, disability insurance was a financial lifeline: life happens
2 Min Read


Life Happens met Mike Sizemore in 2015, three years after he was struck by a drunk driver while crossing the street and his life changed forever. We captured his story as part of our Real Life Stories program; at the time, he was still recovering from the accident after countless surgeries. Fortunately, he had disability insurance when he needed it most and could continue to pay his bills and rent while he was unable to return to work.

We recently had the opportunity to follow Mike’s story and see how he is doing now, more than a decade after the accident.

Life Happens: What is a moment that changed your life?

Mike Sizemore: A decade ago, when I was 27 years old, I was struck by a drunk driver while crossing an intersection. He was so badly injured (fractured skull, severed shoulder, shattered legs) that doctors weren’t sure he would survive.

LH: How was your life different?

Miguel: The accident changed my whole way of seeing life. I was in intensive care for months and then spent another year and a half learning to walk, talk and function again. I was at the beginning of my career, which seemed so promising, and suddenly I couldn’t work.

LH: How did disability insurance help?

Miguel: It has been a financial lifesaver. It replaced a significant part of my income when I couldn’t work at all. And with my traumatic brain injury, I still can’t work full time. Therefore, it supplements my income and allows me to live a fulfilling life. My fiancée and I just bought a house and I am able to give my son the childhood he deserves.

LH: What is your advice to others?

Miguel: Don’t think it can’t happen to you. It all comes down to the simple fact that if you work and depend on your income, you need disability insurance.

#Mike #Sizemore #disability #insurance #financial #lifeline #life

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