The deal with geyser timers
6 Min Read


Ever wonder if turning off your geyser will really help you save on your electric bill? We didn’t know this, but apparently it’s a polarizing topic… Some people are vehemently against the idea, saying that all the energy you think you’re saving by turning off the geyser is absorbed when it turns back on, while others swear blindly that this is one of the best ways to reduce your electricity bill.

So we did some digging and have all the information you need to help you decide whether you’re for or against geyser timers.

The logic behind turning off your geyser

Think of your geyser as a giant teapot, heating the water inside to the temperature set by your geyser’s thermostat. As the heat drops, this alerts the thermostat and the element reheats the water to bring it back to the correct temperature. And that can happen like 20 times a day or more.

That’s a lot of electricity, and most of us aren’t even home all day to appreciate it. It’s kind of a big waste.

Why do some people want to keep their geysers burning?

Let’s say you are turning off your geyser. It stands to reason that the element will use greater amounts of electricity after the hot water is used up and new cold water refills the geyser chamber. So if you let a geyser cool down, you will need large amounts of energy to fully heat it up.

Ultimately, turning off the geyser won’t save much electricity. That’s why some people prefer to keep their geysers running all day, every day.

The solution

Your goal is to reduce the power consumption of your geyser. This will not only be good for your monthly expenses, but it will also reduce your carbon footprint and basically make you an environmental hero with more money in the bank.

Curious how you’re supposed to do this if you can’t seem to win with either the geyser timer or the run it all day approach? Fortunately, there is an answer, which we found in Eskom’s Residential Mass Rollout (RMR) programme. His recommendation is to install a geyser timer so you’re not heating up the water all day and install a geyser blanket so the water stays hot and your geyser doesn’t heat up the ice cold water.

So a geyser timer + geyser blanket is the ideal answer if you want to save electricity and save on your electricity bill.

Now let’s talk about geyser timers

Basically, a geyser timer is a timer that controls the switch that turns a water heater on and off during different times of the day. It works in much the same way that a security light is set on a timer that controls when the lights turn on and off at different times to make it look like someone is home.

These are the main benefits:

  • For starters, a geyser timer allows you to monitor power consumption. You are the boss of when it will turn on and for how long, which can help you make your home more energy efficient.
  • Second, these timers are very easy to use, so if you need to reheat your water after your allotted hot water has finished, you can use the manual override switch.
  • And finally, by preventing overuse and unnecessary heating, a geyser timer can extend the life of your geyser element.

Oh, and we think it’s probably important to add that geyser timers don’t cause your geyser to crack. Your geyser is designed to withstand the kinds of temperatures and pressures that are created as the water heats up, so there’s no need to fear on that front.

Combine your geyser timer with a geyser blanket

The ultimate solution is to use a geyser timer and a geyser blanket. We’ve explained how the timer benefits you, but these results skyrocket when you insulate your geyser against normal heat loss through the steel casing.

The way it works is that a geyser blanket keeps the water hot longer, which means your geyser won’t have to heat the water from a very cold temperature, saving you energy and money.

Speaking of saving you money… A burst or leaking geyser can cause untold damage to your home. The kind of damage to walls, floors, carpets, storage and your belongings that can cost so many Rands to repair and replace. You can save yourself from these expenses by getting the king’s super cheap home buildings and contents insurance that covers these costs for you.

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